I haven't been doing much of that lately.
I've always been a CHAMPION sleeper. If it were an Olympic sport - I would WIN. Until lately...
I value sleep. Probably more than.... most of my friendships.
Not really! gosh... but, it's really important to me.
The problem isn't obvious (like it so often is...ha). I feeeeeel like a zombie. Caffeine has been necessary - except I'm not all that good at caffeine (usually I avoid it) - so I'm pretty bad with balance, as my friend Couch Amanda put it "Have you ever had so much caffeine that it feels like you have a hole in your head?" Errrr, yes... this week I HAVE!
Last night I was 110% sure I had found a winning (ewww, I can't "say" that without hearing Charlie Sheen... balls) ANYWAYS: Last night I was SO SURE I had found a solution: 2 glasses of wine. I started early. Around 7:30 or so.
11:45 - a sleepy pill prescribed by my doctor (not the one with the grumpy receptionist - a different one with a rather cheery receptionist)
1:30 - 2 bennadryl
Ugh... I think you get it.
I think I knocked out between 2 and 3.... only to wake up at 3:45.... and again at 5:50.
This is so uncool.
Tried something different tonight - even though I'm sluggish and exhausted and pa-retty cranky, I WORKED OUT.... assisted in dinner making (well, not really... but I did wash my hair and do the dishes.. both require lots of energy), made some S'more cupcakes (to make my husband popular at work) and now I'm blogging... which is obviously hard work. Short version: I've worn myself out. And it's late..... but I think maybe... JUST MAYBE I'll fall asleep and stay asleep until my alarm goes off.
Just like the old days.
You know, two weeks ago...
The photo: My sister and me doing some champion sleeping.
** leeeetle disclaimer: if this is gibberish, it must be due to the lack of sleep.
Last night I snoozed hard because Monday night and Tuesday night I did not. Monday I was convinced that someone was trying to break into the house (they weren't) and Tuesday night I was concerned that they made the doorways too small in my bakery (they did). Hope you end up getting some sleep tonight.