There are certain things that, as a kid, I definitely did
not have right about being an adult (I was just a kid... duh). Some of them good... some of them negative...some of them don't really matter at all....
Things I thought would
rock as an adult: Not being in school, my hair, getting paid (don't worry, I'll elaborate), my wardrobe - without fail I knew my wardrobe would be amazing... why wouldn't it be?, my car (which I LOVE my car... but I'll elaborate). my friendships - relax, I said I would elaborate.
Things I never thought I would like about being an adult - or never
expected to like: waking up before the sun, making dinner, grocery shopping, WEEKENDS... weekends are GOLD, being a homebody.
Let's explore these, shall we?
Not being in school: Don't get me wrong... I don't actually miss school... I miss the overlooked vacation time that came with it. Let me get this straight: You mean while I'm going to school for maybe 4 - 6 hours a day... with a giant nap in between classes... I get all those weeks off during the summer, a month during Christmas... and at least a 3 day weekend for any other teeny tiny reason to celebrate? But while I'm slaving with the people, I have to use my PTO to get that?... and it's not anywhere close to being that much time off? STUDENTS DO NOT NEED TIME OFF. WORKER SLAVES NEED TIME OFF. Students study all day - and I've been there, I know - that studying can consist of several naps, coffee runs, snack fests and episodes of "Snapped". WHAT.EVER. Being in school and absorbing information is not nearly as draining as a work week. I'm glad we've covered this.
My hair: I don't have a logical explanation for this one - just that I thought my hair would be way more awesome than it actually is.
Getting paid: I love getting paid - but you know what? I don't like sharing 75% of my check with the people... whoever the people are. Taxes aren't something that pisses you off so completely until you're in the workforce for a few years (I've found...) Then... we bought a house and it made me even angrier... and.. where I work, many of the residents get government assistance while they sit in their apartments with their 4 kids they don't take care of smoking pot all day and not working... but they get MY money? Not cool. I'm so glad I can work to support those lazy individuals. Think of all the shoes that money could buy....but instead it's buying weed.
Now, don't get me wrong, I know that there are some people who get government assistance and use it and are contributing members of society (I've yet to meet any of them, but I'm sure they exist) - but for the rest of them... you make me sick. I guess it's just frustrating to see what my check would be if it weren't for taxes. Can't they just keep me from seeing it? that would help, I think.
My wardrobe: see "getting paid".
My car: I love the Jetta. We've had a few really great years together. The only problem is... well, my depth perception. Last year some time I managed to hit one of those cement platforms that gas stations have... making my passenger back door very difficult to open and close.. THEN a few months after that, someone parked a golf cart behind my car... in the dark... while it was raining... and I hit that (although, not completely my fault....) - and here we are... about a year later.... it's not been fixed. You know why? It's just not a priority.... Once, when I was in high school, I backed into a friend's truck (I'm sure you're seeing a pattern... I only hit idle objects) and the next week my Dad had my car fixed... which, looking back, must have been difficult for him to do - it was MY fault! my expensive fault.... but I thought that's how it worked! It FELT like a priority when I was 16. It does not feel like a priority now...
My friendships: I grew up in a small town and, for the most part, had the same friends for most of my life. We went to the same school... our parents knew each other... if we had a tiff, it was either resolved quickly or swept under the rug (because going to a small school, if you weren't going to keep your friends, you probably weren't going to have any friends). I'll say this about those friendships: they felt equal... it felt like they would do for me whatever I would do for them - this could have been a delusion, but whatever. As an adult I seem to attract one way friendships... and I'm done with them. I have a few friends that I KNOW are there for me... and would be happy to give back to me what I can give - but not all of them... it's a frustrating realization, but I consider myself rich in those few friendships that I have.
Onto the things I didn't expect to enjoy, but DO!
Waking up early: I can get my workout in... eat breakfast.. maybe even do some laundry... all before I go to work. It's not always easy, but it puts me in a great mood and helps me stay productive throughout the day. To anyone who lived in my dorm hall - this would be SHOCKING.
Making dinner: My mom always made dinner. I always sort of dreaded that part of being an adult, but I've come to really enjoy cooking... and I love making dinner for my husband. And Couch Amanda.
Grocery shopping: it's kind of like a really expensive date for us! We really do like grocery shopping... I don't know why.. but we're those annoying people who hug in the soup aisle. It's sweet, you know it.
Weekends: In high school and even college weekends were not a huge deal... mainly because school is not as draining as working (we've been here before, remember?). I live for weekends. And a three day weekend... oh my gosh... drool.
Being a homebody: My parents always wanted to stay home... but they weren't necessarily doing anything... I GET IT. They were relaxing... they were hanging out (an important part of marriage... yes), they were not doing anything: and LOVED it. It always bugged me. Why weren't they out shopping with allll that money they made working all week? Why weren't they taking trips? Ohhhh, silly and naive Melanie - they were HAPPY. I love a good weekend of not doing anything. They're not as often as I would like... but they're priceless.
Okay... this turned out to be a lot longer than I meant for it to be. I'm not going to apologize, though ;)
PS - I don't really like a blog without photos - but for some reason my uploader thingy (technical term) is not cooperating. Stupid Internets.