Monday, October 3, 2011

No tenderloin for you!

I've been eyeballing this beef tenderloin recipe for quite a while now... but it requires something I don't have: bacon grease.

I've been told that this recipe cannot exist without it (by the the pioneer woman... who doesn't love her?!). She is a wittier, less crack-head (younger) version of Paula Dean. Same amount of butter: less annoying voice and basic demeanor.

This is what I'm talking about: 

Tonight my husband made cheeseburgers (I only ate ONE part of the bun, don't worry...and no bacon... or mayo... it was a less than exciting burger night for me - but the good news is I stayed under my calorie goal for the day... this is a really long side note) and he cannot have a cheeseburger without bacon: perfect opportunity!


When I told him I needed him to keep the grease for me so I can use it later he informed me that he had plans for the bacon grease.

And you know what he did?


He poured it on top of Shep's food.

That was his plan.

I suppose this is the husband's way of guaranteeing that when the zombies come, Shep will defend him first.

Shep is sleeping soundly with a full belly and a smile on his little puppy face.

The tenderloin will have to wait.

In other news: I conquered cake pops this weekend for a birthday party, and I'm kind of impressed with me. Just sayin'... Wanna see? 

It's a start, right?


  1. What she didn't add, loyal readers, is that when I told her I had plans for the bacon grease the first thing she said was "Do NOT put that in the corn."

    She knows me.

    And we all know that it will be us defending both Shep and Pete from the zombies...

  2. Hilarious about the bacon grease! Sometimes I pour that or chicken broth over the pups food. They love it.
    The cake pops look good. They're nice and round. Sometimes I think mine are too lumpy. (And now I'm going to give unsolicited advice) if the coating is too thick, add some vegetable oil to help thin, that gives you a nice smooth coating. Everyone that tries them seems to have that problem (or at least that's what they ask me about.)

  3. Kelli! In my book - you're a baking genius, so I'm always open to your advice :) THANK YOU!
