Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fireworks for Luke

The more spontaneous the happenings, the more..... (this is going to sound cheesy) genuine things feel. Just.... easy...natural. Maybe I'll start to make sense in a minute...

4th of July Fireworks. Now: if we had PLANNED on attending the River Market fireworks... I wouldn't have been very excited. I don't like crowds... or loud noises. Or bugs. I would have planned on going solely for Luke - because he is 7 (only for a few more weeks! AHH!) and he loves fireworks (... and bugs). My husband, knowing me, didn't even bring it up.... until about 30 minutes before we needed to be there.

I rushed home from my very relaxing K-Roger trip (something about grocery shopping is relaxing to me... as long as I don't go in hungry - in which case it becomes a race to see if I actually pay for the Oreos before I purchase them). Anywho: I leave Kroger knowing that there is a huge possibility I'm about to face a few elements that I avoid individually and DEFINITELY when they're all together - but I didn't have time to get all upset about it or even think about it.

Came home. Unpacked said groceries. Packed our really cute red picnic basket (I love this thing... it makes me feel precious). put on "real" shoes (ie: not flip flops) and then we all jumped in the car to go downtown with the rest of Little Rock. By now it's 8:40 and fireworks are supposed to start at 9:something.

We parked. We walked. We found a really great place on the lawn to unpack our blanket, take off our shoes and open the red picnic basket. We snacked on fruit and veggies and Stacey's Pita Chips (I'm in LOVE with these). It felt so nice. It wouldn't have been so nice if we had planned on it. I can't put my finger on why.... but it wouldn't have. (Look at my boys in that photo... even in the same step. So cute.)

The fireworks were actually pretty impressive. I did my best not to freak out - and Luke was in love with the sky the entire time.

Totally worth the effort. It couldn't have felt the same if we planned it.

LADY! WHY did you have to be standing there? Geez.

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