Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here's to you, Mom.

It is my sweet momma's birthday!! In honor of this amazing lady's special day - here are 5 LIFE CHANGING things that she has taught me:

1 - Make your bed, you'll feel better. It doesn't matter how crappy my day is - this has always worked. It makes the day a little better... plus it gives me somewhere to put all the laundry that I haven't folded.

2 - Even if you don't mean it, PRETEND to be in a good mood - and then eventually, you may actually BE in that good mood. My mom is very cheery. People love to be around her because she is such a positive person. I try to be this way... I don't quite have it down like she does :) It is what you make it, though - and Momma seems to have it mastered. She definitely knows how to make lemonade out of lemons. With a splash of vodka.

3 - Pray about it. That's all you can do, anyways. As a control freak, it took me a long time to finally accept that mom knows best when it comes to this. My mom has the kind of faith that people admire - she always tells me that I need to pray and give it to God. She is so right.

4 - Be silly. You have to be silly. My mom is so much fun.

5 - If you take care of other people, they will take care of you. She has never TOLD me this in so many words - but she lives it. Momma puts every one else before her - she has always taken such great care of my Dad and all three of her lovely offspring... her sister.. her brother... her mother ANYONE. She is the most caring person I know - she has such a big heart. In turn, people like to take care of her, too. We all love to know that she is doing well - and when she isn't feeling well, or she is down... there are many prayers (ahhh, #3 and #5 are connected....).

- My Momma in the middle, with her brother (David) and her sister (Diana) on the 4th of July

BONUS #6 - You don't always have to say "yes". It's okay to tell someone you have enough on your plate. 

So, Momma, I hope you have a fabulous birthday!! You are the sweetest, most beautiful woman I know. I love you.

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