I'm not particularly good at driving in reverse....
And when I say "not particularly good", what I mean is: I totally avoid it. I don't even parallel park. Ever.
So when I backed into our garage after a trip to the grocery store on Monday, people were impressed. Well... I was impressed. My husband was impressed. See? People.
We don't have a short, flat and easy driveway. We have a monster, steep, insane driveway* (side note to come).
I also have a little problem hitting idle objects. In fact, I've only ever hit idle objects (mostly going in reverse... of course). My first incident occured when I was 17... backing down a driveway that I had only been parked in for less than 5 minutes... I hit a friends truck and knocked it into the street. I was driving a teeny tiny car and knocked a truck into. the street. Dad was upset, but I'm pretty sure he wanted to laugh.
About a year and a half ago I managed to side swipe one of those cement platforms that gas pumps sit on... making my back passenger door difficult to open. It wasn't such an eye sore that it became a priority to fix... plus, to be honest, fixing a dent in my car just isn't high up on the priority list anyways. It was a super cramped, awkward parking lot - the husband grumbled a little, but he knows me... so it wasn't a huge deal (you should know... the DAY this happened my sister got a brand new car. not just any car: the car I wanted... I was cranky about it for a good 3 hours).
6 months after the cement gas pump thingy jumped out in front of me... one of my maintenance men at work decided it would be a grand idea to park his golf cart behind my car. in the dark. while it was raining. Naturally, when I left the office, I did not check to see if there were any golf carts behind my vehicle.....SCRAPEEEEEEEEE allll down the same side of the car as the other dent. This one is a little more noticeable. Husband (and father) rolled his eyes at this one. I still maintain that it was not totally my fault.
It's safe to say that my next mode of transportation will include one of those little rear view camera things. Fancy.
Here we are, a year later. I haven't hit anything in a year... and I think that's a good enough record to get my car fixed :) The Jetta is very excited about her facelift. We have many more great years together. This may even inspire me to clean the trunk out.
I have a lot of junk in my trunk.
No really. It's bad.
Side note as promised: **Our driveway is a pain in the ass. but you aren't allowed to say that. Only we're allowed to talk about our driveway in such a manner. You see, we understand that it would bother some people - but pretty much any time someone new comes over, the first thing they do is complain about the driveway. It gets its feelings hurt and I get annoyed. This is how I look at it: we're very unlikely to get robbed. Between the giant dog, the alarm system and the steep driveway - they'll just pass on by. Whoever "they" may be. Bottom line: I see my driveway. I love my house. Find something nice to say if you come over. Rant complete.
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