Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just keep swimming

I think I need a vacation.

Rephrasing that: I need a vacation.

This whole working for a living thing is for the birds.

Nah - it's not really that I don't like working... although work has been stretching me pretty thin here lately (although I mean figuratively, I WISH physically...). I've been coming home exhausted most days - and, as a naturally happy person - maintaining my smiley attitude has been difficult as of late - which makes me a little disappointed in myself. I would like to think I'm one of those "push through the storm with a positive attitude" people - but this... this is a long storm. As long as I remind myself that it's temporary - I'm okay. It's when I get caught up in the drama of it all and the negative thinking spiral begins.... eh... you get it.

I really would just EAT UP a few days off... away... somewhere in the mountains by a lake - or on the beach or on a giant bed in a cabin with lots of good food and a few easy reads..... and of course, the Mister :)

He still gives me butterflies.

It's nice.

We were in a long distance relationship for a year before I moved to Little Rock. We tore up the roads between LR and Dallas...

Today we met for lunch and both went the same direction for a while when we had to return to work (which doesn't happen often because he works on the other side of town and I always eat lunch at home) - but there was a moment where he had to exit and I stayed on the freeway - our cars were getting farther from each other  - but were parallel... we waved... and my heart fluttered. I guess that is never going to go away. There were so many days and nights that we had to drive away from each other like that - waving... counting the minutes until the next time we would see one another. That was the most difficult, wonderful, exciting time. I'm thankful for not having to live that way anymore!

So - I got off track... but I don't really know that I had a track tonight....

No vacation in sight for now - so.. I'll "just keep swimming... just keep swimming.. just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" :)

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