Sunday, September 25, 2011

The other members of our family.

Our dogs are part of the family. And WE know they're awesome and full of their own GIANT personalities....

Why can't they be as awesome when other people are here?!!

I mean, our boys are fun and lovable and precious and even have a sarcastic dynamic to them (okay... maybe I made that part up, but they each definitely have a sense of humor).

When we have company (which is anyone except for Couch Amanda) I feel like we spend a whole lot of time explaining how cool our dogs are... when no one is looking.


Garage Sale Julie came over yesterday - and in tow she had the two most adorable children on the planet (hers...). Addie is 4 and Jack is 2 (ohhh Jack is SO 2!... poooooor Garage Sale Julie). Anyway - the tots wanted to see the puppies... so, naturally, I cringe a little on the inside because I know the dogs are going to react to our visit outside as if they've never been around humans. It's ridiculous.

I basically had to SIT on Shep (... 65 lbs, or so... gaining every day because he eats his food and Pete's food... and refuses to run with me - a whole different story... He will go about a block, and then he will sit and WILL NOT move... ). I had to SIT on Shep to keep him from plowing over the little ones. And we know he just thinks he is a small dog - he doesn't want to hurt anyone - he just gets SO. HAPPY. He can't even contain himself.... He always looks like a cartoon trying to move (it takes him a while) - his feet move quickly but he doesn't actually make any ground for 3 seconds or so.

I spent the entire time trying to let GSJ know that my dogs are REALLY COOL.... she just won't ever experience the level of coolness that we do.

Pete is just as spastic - but he is only about 12 lbs, so it doesn't quite have the same effect (he thinks it does). Pete loves kids... I think it must be because they're more his size. He can eventually calm down and hang out - but kids don't generally go for all the licking that Pete MUST do. I guess it's his way of shaking hands.

Both of them can manage to chill and bask in their awesomeness - but you're going to have to just trust me on that.

Shep is our rescue dog - we have only had him since May. He spent a long time (poor baby) in a shelter and craves constant attention. We knew going into this that he was going to need this and thus it's going to take a while for him to calm down... that's okay. He knows we love him. He is a Australian Shepard and Rottweiler mix - so he is really strong and so, so sweet. Shep is most definitely the husband's dog. He gets happy to see me - but when he sees JD he runs to him as fast as he can. When we first got him it was 10000 degrees outside every day and we would leave him in... that didn't last long.

Here is a list of things Shep has eaten. Not chewed up. Eaten:

My Sonicare toothbrush (grrrrr)
A bolt to the grill
The grill brush
a plastic bucket
my hot rollers

He has deemed himself an outside dog. It's okay, though - he has a really nice dog-house, plenty of water and he likes to spend time under the deck (as well as chasing squirrels - no squirrel is safe!).

Pete was given to me by JD when we were dating. I was living in DFW and JD was in LR - I was on the road a whole lot (and so was he) - so Pete was given to me to keep me company. My Pete Cardog. I raised him from being just a little potato with legs... he is definitely my dog. Anytime JD tells him to go outside, Pete will just look at me like "Mom, is he telling the truth?". It annoys the husband - but for a long time it was just Pete and it's what he knows. He sleeps under my side of the bed, and as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning - Pete is there! It's kind of precious.

I suppose I felt the need to go on and on about our puppies because two of my aunts lost their own puppies this week - both really, really tragically and totally unexpected. I just wanted to show my puppies some blog love. I hugged them extra tonight, too. Our lives would not be nearly as interesting without them.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

There is a rule

Now, correct me if I'm wrong...

Isn't there an unspoken rule in the workplace?

A rule about #2....


I work for three properties (one of them is a 2fer... two properties, one office) - and in both office there is one bathroom in not so private areas. One of them has the bathroom directly between the managers office and the KITCHEN and the area for residents... the other office has a bathroom located in the back next to the assistant manager and where I'm usually sitting....

When someone breaks this unspoken rule, NO ONE is safe.

It's awful.

GO HOME. do it during lunch. POO ELSEWHERE.

How can this not make complete sense to the rest of the world?

At the 2fer property... our mailman (a very nice, older gentleman - think... Santa Claus but wayyy skinnier.. so not Santa at all, just skinny older man with a white beard) is very friendly. He comes in around 1ish every day... and every day he chats with me about whatever is going on (typically the weather.. because he is a mailman) and after our lengthy chats he goes on to abuse the bathroom... 20 minutes later he'll walk out and wave goodbye as if he didn't just make my lunch come back up.

As for my coworkers... I just don't understand how they can look the rest of us in the eyes after doing something so terrible. 

Now, I understand that emergencies come up... but there are public bathrooms right around the corner from our offices for those kind of... sudden happenings.


Also... if I don't hear the water run for at least 30 seconds after you flush (because we can allllll hear you flush) I totally judge you.

Monday, September 19, 2011


My childhood was magic.

Each birthday... every Christmas... Easter...Thanksgiving... even Valentine's Day was extra special and there was always something - an excitement - in the air in the Carlile house during these times. I understand how cheesy that may sound, but it's true.

I hope I can make that kind of atmosphere for our children someday.

There was one Christmas... while I was a teenager and Leanna was still pretty young, that my mom had gone back to work (for the first time since I was a little nugget... ) and things maybe weren't going as planned (financially) This is all assumption because I was completely oblivious to whatever their status was - this is all in hindsight... I remember Momma got upset (sad) after Christmas morning because she thought Leanna and I were... underwhelmed with the whole morning experience.

I must have been a terrible brat to make her think that! However, I never remember being disappointed or let down or anything but excited on those mornings - and it wasn't because of what I GOT - it was because of the love and the way my parents made every thing... each event... feel so significant.

Now don't get me wrong, I was 100% spoiled and didn't want for anything growing up, but it breaks my heart to think that I ever made either of my parents think they were doing anything except for surprising Leanna and me. They constantly made even the most normal day seem important... worth it... specific.  We were very happy little girls. Today we're very happy big girls.

As an adult I can recognize the care and attention to detail they spent making those memories what they are for me. Gosh... if anything was ever wrong, they totally had me fooled. Fooled isn't the right word: they always showed me the good. In everything. In most people, too. I didn't know any different (CAN WE PLEASE GO BACK TO THAT....... PLEASE?! ha).

They really did make it seem simple and natural... and EASY. And... maybe it was, for them - but I don't know that it will be for me. I'm going to do my best to give that enchanting element to my kids.

This didn't come out of nowhere :)

I went to East Texas this weekend to visit my parents and sister. We celebrated my birthday and had some fun family time - I even got to see a couple of friends while I was there. It's always so hard to fit everyone I want to see into a little teeny tiny weekend... someone always gets left out... and I always feel bad about it - but I hate to be rushed.

Anyways, I spent the night with my sister in her apartment Friday night - and didn't get to my parents house until Saturday around noon. As soon as I walked in my mom handed me a gift. It was a cookbook. A cookbook that 45 minutes before that I ALMOST bought for myself. My momma reads my mind.

Next I turned to the living room... where Daddy is sitting in his recliner (as expected) and there it is.

The lamp that I had "liked" on Facebook two days before. (a friend back in ETex just opened a super cute store... and she posted a photo of the lamp).


He turned it around and there was a little sign on it that said "Happy Birthday, Love Daddy"

How sweet is that?

I'm 26 years old and my parents still surprise me in that way.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


5 Reasons to LOVE this time of year:

5 – It’s September. The weather is changing and I no longer break a sweat just walking from the office to my car. Residents are less cranky and thus, I hear from them less. No AC service requests at work = happy residents = more renewals = MAKES MY JOB EASIER. Hooray!

4 – Let the Christmas shopping begin! As of September 13, my little sister has been Christmas shopped.  If we spread it out for a few months… it doesn’t feel so financially terrible AND typically we save money by doing so (lots of sales right now!).

3 – It’s my birthday month. If you know me, you know I’m sort of a birthday brat. I get a whole month. As my husband refers to it, “the 30 days of Melanie” – you can start doing that too, if you want.
 Funny Birthday Ecard: I'd be much more into your birthday if it was my birthday.
2 – CARDIGANS!!! They make me happy. In fact, layering makes me happy. Can’t layer when it’s 115 degrees outside and disgusting.  As a kid I loved summer… as an adult I am OVER it. Bugs, heat, sweat, no rain (not to mention.... children EVERYWHERE)…. NO THANK YOU. Fall, how I love thee and your beautiful changing trees!

1 – I want to be more active when it’s this amazing outside. I want to take my puppies to the park and run and lay on a blanket and read (okay, that’s not really “active” but it’s at least more interesting than just sitting inside reading….) and climb Pinnacle Mountain and redecorate the house (for Fall, and then Christmas!) …. For me, September is the beginning of the holiday season. This is THE BEST time of year!!
Pinnacle Mountain State Park @ Sunrise (picture borrowed from One of my favorite places: that's where JD proposed. New Year's Day 2009.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

sleeeeeep - come to me!


I haven't been doing much of that lately.

I've always been a CHAMPION sleeper. If it were an Olympic sport - I would WIN. Until lately...

I value sleep. Probably more than.... most of my friendships.

Not really! gosh... but, it's really important to me.

The problem isn't obvious (like it so often is...ha). I feeeeeel like a zombie. Caffeine has been necessary - except I'm not all that good at caffeine (usually I avoid it) - so I'm pretty bad with balance, as my friend Couch Amanda put it "Have you ever had so much caffeine that it feels like you have a hole in your head?" Errrr, yes... this week I HAVE!

Last night I was 110% sure I had found a winning (ewww, I can't "say" that without hearing Charlie Sheen... balls) ANYWAYS: Last night I was SO SURE I had found a solution: 2 glasses of wine. I started early. Around 7:30 or so.


11:45 - a sleepy pill prescribed by my doctor (not the one with the grumpy receptionist - a different one with a rather cheery receptionist)


1:30 - 2 bennadryl

Ugh... I think you get it.

I think I knocked out between 2 and 3.... only to wake up at 3:45.... and again at 5:50.

This is so uncool.

Tried something different tonight - even though I'm sluggish and exhausted and pa-retty cranky, I WORKED OUT.... assisted in dinner making (well, not really... but I did wash my hair and do the dishes.. both require lots of energy), made some S'more cupcakes (to make my husband popular at work) and now I'm blogging... which is obviously hard work. Short version: I've worn myself out. And it's late..... but I think maybe... JUST MAYBE I'll fall asleep and stay asleep until my alarm goes off.

Just like the old days.

You know, two weeks ago...


The photo: My sister and me doing some champion sleeping.

** leeeetle disclaimer: if this is gibberish, it must be due to the lack of sleep.

Monday, September 12, 2011


The husband is always prepared. Doesn't matter what we're talking about - he is prepared for it. It's adorable. It's one of the thousands of reasons I love him.

Saturday, this little fella rode a few miles from Pier1 to Kroger with us:
Actually, he was quite large. As far as grasshoppers go. He was big enough to make me get into the car in record speed. I'm not a fan of giant bugs...ick. I was pretty sure he was waiting on me to open my car door so he could attack and... I don't know... spit on me?  He traveled a lonnnng way for a bug - just by hitching a ride.

Anyways: this is really going somewhere. Kind of.

The conversation was as follows:

JD: Well, you know, if you were stranded in the jungle, those are the kind of things you would need to look for. For food. (with his "of course" voice)
Me: I will never be stranded in a jungle because I'll never go to a jungle (with MY "of course" voice. They're different)
JD: Fair enough.

When the end of the world comes, he is definitely the person to be with.

But that's how he thinks! Always prepared. I love it. <3

Thursday, September 8, 2011

You must be pregnant before you can change doctors. Seriously.

I should be a little more careful with my phone conversations at work...

So - this is probably all TMI, but whatever... My lady needs doctor is ... OLD. Not just hard of hearing and exceptionally wrinkly.. he is ancient. I have to yell just to have a discussion with him. When I moved here, I just phone booked a doctor (I know... whyyyy?) - and I recently heard from my cousin (Garage Sale Julie) about a new doctor (one who can hear and wasn't around for the Civil War)...

I found out that the two doctors are in the same clinic - EASY! I thought... because all the new doctor would need to do to obtain my records is cross the clinic and make a copy.

Um. No.

The phone-answering-jewel-of-a person GUILT TRIPPED me about wanting to switch doctors and explained (harshly) that "there is a rule between doctors.. you can't just switch doctors without having permission.. unless you're pregnant because your doctor doesn't deliver anymore"

To which I saw an opening and went with it...

"Well I'm TRYING to be pregnant!" (... still in the office... and that's not true, but that's not ANY of HER business)

awful phone woman: "Well.. it would only make a difference if you WERE pregnant"

Me: "So I have to get pregnant before I can switch doctors? That doesn't make any sense."

APW: "Yes"

(long pause)

APW: "Well, your doctor isn't in today, and he won't be tomorrow - so it'll be at least Monday before I can call you to let you know if you CAN switch doctors"

Me: "You just told me my doctor doesn't deliver babies - I don't see why I can't just make an appointment with a doctor I want to see"

APW: "It'll be Monday before I get back to you"

No thanks, I'll just find another clinic - GAHHHHHH!

The office team had to have heard my side of the conversation... I wasn't quiet. So I should probably go back to work and explain that I am, in fact, not trying to be pregnant. Or maybe I'll make them wonder :)

Monday, September 5, 2011


Yesterday Luke (8) was describing a dream he had about giant spiders.... the giant spiders were, apparently, biting people - but not successfully hurting them. He went on to shake his head and exclaim: "It just doesn't make sense! Sometimes real life doesn't make sense, though."

No, Luke, it doesn't....

I'm still relatively young (I would like to think!) ... and I am always trying to make things that don't make sense (in real life) *right*.  Of course, this rarely works out for me and I usually just end up frustrated. I've got to learn not to put my emotions into things that are out of my control. My husband seems to have this mastered. And my Dad.... coincidence that they're both males? .... maybe not. I can only think of one woman in my close family that isn't under the delusion that we can "fix" things and will do so by telling people how we feel (previously mentioned cousin who is VERY organized and super efficient during a garage sale... or... anything. I think we're going to start calling her Garage Sale Julie) Because once you understand how I FEEL and you see WHAT I SEE, certainly you wouldn't continue whatever A-hole thing you were doing... no way! Psssch.

What doesn't make sense to me: A mother taking her son away from his (non-deadbeat) father... A dad who loves and laughs and plays and teaches .... THAT doesn't make sense... All so she can start over and maybe have less guilt about how she has lived her life...and the father/son relationship is continued via cell phone and skype...because that's the same as tucking your child in and picking them up from school and giving them a hug when they take a spill of the bike... you get it...

Of course, this particular mother knows exactly how I feel - and how he feels, for that matter - but she doesn't GET. IT.

I pray every day for some magical realization to come over her so she can fix this... so Luke doesn't spend every holiday on the road and every birthday without one of his parents... However, she is incredibly selfish... this isn't really about Luke. It's about her.

I've got to find a way to get rid of the anger I have towards her... it hurts me more than her, I know. Typically I'm good at turning negative feelings into something... SOMETHING... but she seems to be the exception. I'm definitely working on it... My biggest obstacle is that I don't understand how she can't see the problems she is causing for her own son... and I get all into it and emotional and negative... It's not productive, I know.

Sometimes real life doesn't make sense.
                                                    My boys on top of Pinnacle Mountain

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Nothing Post

I really wanted to blog tonight....

But I couldn't think of anything in particular to write about....

So instead I'm sharing this:
